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Showing posts with the label Life Skills

Building Resilience Certificate

Building Resilience Certificate Tatiana Kolovou Faculty Member at Kelley School of Business Have trouble getting by when the going gets tough? Everyone wants to perform well when the pressure's on, but a lot of us withdraw in times of stress or adversity. If you can build your resilience, you'll have an easier time facing new challenges and earn a valuable skill to offer employers. In this course, Kelley School of Business professor and professional communications coach Tatiana Kolovou explains how to bounce back from difficult situations, by building your "resiliency threshold." She outlines five training techniques to prepare for difficult situations, and five strategies for reflecting on them afterward. Find out where you are on the resilience scale, identify where you want to be, and learn strategies to close the gap. Note: This course was featured in  Market Watch ,  Inc. ,  Fortune ,  Forbes , and  Entrepreneur . Learning objectives Define the term resilie...