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Showing posts with the label European Institute of Innovation & Technology

Standardisation & Technology Certificate

EIT DIGITAL | European Institute of Innovation & Technology Prof. dr. J. M. Smits LL.M. Completed by  Dawid F. Prestini April 12, 2021 5 weeks with graded assessments. Plus reading to 15 hours Grade Achieved: 87.50% Certifies their successful completion of Standardisation & Technology Do you already know what standards are? Could you image a world without standards? It is certainly not easy to visualize a world without standards and the huge importance of standards is often underestimated in our society. That is because such a vast amount are common to us and have been for ages. We don’t even realise they are standards anymore. We are excited to see you join and explore the world of standards that goes unnoticed by so many! First we visit historic examples of standards and see that even Before Christ standards were ever present. But since then standards have grown and evolved alongside societies and we need to discuss the fundamentals of standards and standard settin...

Privacy in Europe Certificate

📖 Privacy in Europe Certificate  🕐  6  weeks Prof. dr. 🔗 J. M. Smits  LL.M.  EIT DIGITAL | European Institute of Innovation & Technology After having followed Privacy in the Western world you have become acquainted with the overall global legal system and the origins of privacy as a concept as well as privacy as a (human) right. This course deals with the European legal system to protect privacy. European privacy protection is based upon human rights treaties, both on a European level as well global level such as, e.g. the UN Declaration on Human Rights. This course outlines and deals with these human rights treaties as well as with the specific rules and regulations that govern day to day privacy protection in Europe. The course deals with how the European cooperation came into being after the devastating effects of World War II. Economic cooperation was deemed necessary to prevent another war. From economic cooperation other issues became part of the ne...

Privacy in the Western World EIT Certificate

📖Privacy in the Western World Certificate  🕐  8  weeks Prof. dr. 🔗 J. M. Smits  LL.M.  EIT DIGITAL | European Institute of Innovation & Technology Completed by  Dawid F. Prestini April 11, 2021 8 weeks  plus studying for the final exam. Grade Achieved: 100.00% Certifies their successful completion of Privacy in the Western World We are thrilled to see that you are interested and will provide you with a comprehensive study of this intriguiging subject. We hope this course will enthuse you to look further into privacy and personal data regulation. Especially in the light of recent events it becomes more important to know about your (alleged!?) rights and freedoms. After showing you a number of interesting examples of privacy in recent events, this course continues to provide you with an historic introduction, and varying cases and court decisions. It will guide you through the cultural and legal changes in perception of privacy over time. Som...