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Showing posts with the label Design

Modern and Contemporary Art and Design MoMA Professional Specialization

📚  Modern & Contemporary Art & Design  Specialization   🕐 7  months The Museum of Modern Art - MoMA Completed by  Dawid F. Prestini April 3, 2021 7 Months of study Certifies their successful completion of The Museum of Modern Art  - Modern and Contemporary Art and Design Specialization. Course Certificates Completed Modern Art & Ideas Seeing Through Photographs What Is Contemporary Art? Fashion as Design This Specialization will introduce you to the art of our time. Through original films and audio, you will go behind the scenes to look closely at artworks and into studios to hear directly from artists, designers, curators and others. This Specialization is for anyone who would like to learn more about modern and contemporary art. No prior knowledge is required. Enroll to receive invitations to virtual events, gain exclusive access to MoMA resources, and share ideas with an international learner community. Start with Modern Art & Idea...