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Showing posts with the label Enterprise Marketing

Advanced Branding Certificate

Advanced Branding Certificate Brad Batesole Marketing Thought Leader, Chief Learning Officer at Madecraft How deeply have you thought about your brand? Is it intentional, or just an afterthought? What does each component—your logo, your website, your service, and even your culture—say to customers? Advanced branding means thinking about what distinguishes your company from the rest, and incorporating it into every single touchpoint of the business: design, messaging, marketing and PR, and company vision. Learn what branding really is, how it works, and how you can build and maintain a more competitive brand, in this course with marketing expert Brad Batesole. Explore best practices for researching, developing, visualizing, and managing your brand, and learn about incorporating your brand throughout various customer touchpoints and keeping tabs on your brand as your company grows.

Marketing Communications Certificate

Marketing Communications Certificate Deirdre Breakenridge CEO at Pure Performance Communications In today's media landscape, consumers decide how and when they want to receive information. As a result, it's crucial for marketers to have a robust understanding of how to design and execute a marketing plan that resonates with audiences—as well as how to measure the results. In this course, learn how to chart your own marketing roadmap. Join marketing expert Deirdre Breakenridge as she explains how to research your marketing communication needs, craft a marketing plan that helps you connect with your audience, and leverage PR, social media, and email marketing strategies. Plus, she discusses how to launch your campaign, and track your program through a measurement dashboard.